Can A Cockatoo Eat Kiwi? Exploring the Nutritional Benefits and Risks

The short answer is yes, cockatoos can safely eat kiwi in moderation. But before you start dishing out the delicious fruit to your birdie, we’ll dive into the details and explore how to properly feed kiwi to your cockatoo and what precautions you need to take.

Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of kiwi for your cockatoo, potential risks, and tips for safely incorporating this fruit into their diet – along with some frequently asked questions about other fruits and vegetables your cockatoo might enjoy.

Cockatoo Nutritional Needs

Cockatoos, like any other parrot species, require a well-balanced diet to maintain their health and well-being. The bulk of their diet should consist of:

  • High-quality pelleted food
  • A variety of fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Seeds and nuts in moderation

Kiwi can be a delicious and nutritious addition to your cockatoo’s diet, provided that it is served in moderation and appropriately prepared.

Benefits of Kiwi for Cockatoos

Kiwi is packed with numerous health benefits, making it a valuable treat for your cockatoo, including:

High in Vitamin C

Kiwi is incredibly rich in vitamin C, which is essential for building a strong immune system in your bird, supporting healthy skin and feathers, and aiding in wound healing.

Antioxidant Properties

The antioxidants found in kiwi, such as vitamin E and flavonoids, help protect your bird’s cells from oxidative damage, reducing the risk of illness and disease.

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Fiber Content

The fiber content in kiwi can support your cockatoo’s digestive health, ensuring proper nutrient absorption and potentially preventing obesity.

Potential Risks of Feeding Kiwi to Your Cockatoo

Despite the numerous benefits, there are a few risks associated with feeding kiwi to your bird:

High Sugar Content

Kiwi contains natural sugars, which can be detrimental to your cockatoo’s health if consumed in excess. Make sure to limit the amount of kiwi and other fruits in their diet.

Pesticide Residue

Conventionally grown kiwi can be exposed to pesticides, which could harm your bird. It is ideal to choose organic kiwi and wash it thoroughly before feeding it to your cockatoo.

Tips for Safely Feeding Kiwi to Your Cockatoo

  1. Provide kiwi in moderation – once or twice a week is sufficient.
  2. Remove the skin and seeds, as they may pose a choking hazard.
  3. Thoroughly wash organic kiwi before serving to remove any potential contaminants.
  4. Cut the kiwi into small, easily manageable pieces for your bird.
  5. Monitor your cockatoo during feeding to ensure they are enjoying the fruit without any difficulties.


Yes, your cockatoo can safely eat kiwi in moderation, and the fruit offers various health benefits for your beloved pet. However, it is essential to be cautious about the potential risks and make sure to provide kiwi in a balanced diet with a variety of other fruits, vegetables, and high-quality pellets.


Q1: Can cockatoos eat other fruits besides kiwi?

A1: Yes, cockatoos can enjoy a variety of other fruits, such as apples, pears, berries, and oranges. However, always avoid feeding them avocado, as it is toxic to birds.

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Q2: Are there any vegetables that cockatoos should avoid?

A2: Avoid feeding cockatoos onions, garlic, and raw potatoes, as these can be harmful to them.

Q3: How can I encourage my cockatoo to try new fruits and vegetables?

A3: Start by offering small pieces of new fruits and veggies alongside their regular food, and be patient as your cockatoo becomes accustomed to the new tastes and textures.

Q4: How much fruit should I include in my cockatoo’s diet?

A4: Fruits should make up no more than 10-15% of your cockatoo’s diet. Balancing their diet with pellets and vegetables will help ensure they receive all the necessary nutrients.

Q5: What signs should I look for if my cockatoo isn’t tolerating kiwi well?

A5: Look for symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, or a change in their behavior. If you notice any of these symptoms, consult with an avian veterinarian.

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